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Personal Umbrella Insurance

The Sunshine State is home to nearly 350,000 millionaires; nearly a third of them reside in South Florida, including the Greater Miami Area. Their substantial assets place these individuals at greater risk of loss in the event of a liability claim, which is why many of them turn to iSure Insurance Brokers for additional protection with a high-value umbrella liability policy.

You have more, so you need more

Simply put, a high-value umbrella or excess liability policy affords you millions of dollars in additional protection beyond the limits of your primary coverage for high-value homeowners, auto, yacht insurance, and so on.  In the event of a catastrophic claim that exhausts the limits of your underlying coverage, your high-value umbrella shields you from having to pay the excess legal or settlement fees out of pocket. The policy covers:

  • Bodily Injury
  • Property Damage
  • Personal Injury

What’s more, the policy can be tailored to include your household members, domestic staff, or pets should a claim result from their actions.

Accidents happen more often than you think

Car accidents are one of the leading causes of permanent injury and death in Florida and fatalities are on the rise, according to the NHTSA. Life-changing, massive injuries can occur while you are boating, or in the course of entertaining at home. In each situation, resulting multimillion-dollar damages can easily overwhelm primary liability limits. Your iSure advisor will carefully evaluate your situation to craft coverage that ensures your assets are well protected.

Be sure with iSure. We welcome the opportunity to protect what you have worked so hard to build. Please contact us at 305.223.2533 to learn more about what we can offer you.